Campus Climate Survey

Campus Climate Survey

The Campus Climate survey was first administered in 2015 in partnership with the Association of American Universities (AAU) and 26 other colleges and universities. The survey captures student perceptions, knowledge of resources, and experiences with sexual assault and misconduct, harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence.

Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct

The University of Virginia participated in the 2015 Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct as part of a consortium of 27 colleges and universities organized by the Association of American Universities (AAU). The research firm Westat led the design effort, carried out the survey, and conducted the analysis. The content and methodology of the survey was developed in consultation with a committee of university representatives from the participating schools.

In 2017, the University contracted individually with Westat to administer the survey for a second time to a representative sample of students. For the 2017 administration, the University made select adjustments to the instrument; for example, the reporting period for incidents was limited to the past academic year.

In 2019, the University again participated in the AAU's 2019 Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct as part of consortium of 33 colleges and universities. The content and methodology of the survey was led and developed by the research firm Westat in consultation with a survey design team comprised of a subset of university representatives from the participating schools. Westat also managed the administration of the survey, analysis of data, and presentation of findings.

The primary goals of the surveys were to estimate the incidence and prevalence of different forms of nonconsensual sexual contact, harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence; to collect information on student views related to the climate surrounding sexual assault and misconduct; and to assess student knowledge and evaluation of available resources in response to such incidents. Addressing each of these goals will help the University of Virginia create a safer and more accepting campus environment. The final report includes a description of the survey design and methodology as well as empirical results.