Changes to an Existing Certificate Program
Certain changes to existing certificate programs require institutional review and approval by the Office of the Provost and may also require approval by the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Examples include:
CIP Code: Changing the six-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code designation used to classify the certificate program for state and federal reporting.
Delivery Format: Changing how the program is delivered. For example, adding online delivery in addition to face-to-face delivery of a program, or adding online delivery and eliminating face-to-face delivery. Please note: Adding an online or distance delivery format also requires compliance with state authorization requirements.
Name: Changing the official name or title of the certificate program.
Program Length: Changing the total # of credits required to complete the certificate.
Programs considering a change to an existing certificate are encouraged to confer with their school’s academic compliance contact and with the IRA Contact listed below as early as possible for detailed guidance and support on the documentation and approvals required to change a certificate program.
The following form to initiate a request to change an existing certificate program includes detailed instructions.
Change a Certificate Program Initiation Form
Review & Approval Process for Changing an Existing Certificate
IRA staff will advise and coordinate with the program lead(s) and the school’s academic compliance contact to manage process requirements, including providing relevant sample materials to guide the work. Changes to existing certificates require the following steps:
School Curriculum Committee & Dean: Programs should consult with their school’s designated academic compliance contact for guidance and support on necessary documentation and procedures. If the proposed change may involve/impact faculty, students, courses and/or academic programs in other UVA school(s), the sponsoring dean should consult with the corresponding dean(s).
Once a Change a Certificate Initiation Form is submitted, IRA staff review the request, assist the sponsoring program in preparing all necessary documentation, including for SCHEV and/or SACSCOC review, if needed, and obtain initial Provost approval from the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (VPAA).
Upon initial VPAA approval, IRA staff notify the University Registrar (UREG) and International Studies Office (ISO) to determine whether additional approvals from the Department of Education, Veteran’s Affairs and/or Homeland Security are required.
IRA staff will coordinate with VPAA to manage Faculty Senate reviews, if required.
If SCHEV and/or SACSCOC approval is required, IRA staff will advise the sponsoring program on SCHEV/SACSCOC requirements and coordinate all formal submissions and approvals.
Notice of Formal Approval: Once all necessary approvals are complete, IRA staff will circulate notice of formal approval to the school dean and relevant institutional stakeholders, including the University Registrar, to update the degree in the Record and Student Information System.
Timeline for Changing an Existing Certificate Program
For a certificate change to take effect the following fall, all approvals (including SCHEV, if applicable) must be secured by July 1. For spring, the deadline is December 1.
Approval Deadlines Effective Term: Fall Effective Term: Spring Approval Deadline: July 1
Approval Deadline: December 1
Institutional reviews (e.g., Faculty Senate) occur based on the bodies’ respective scheduled meetings during the academic year. The Faculty Senate dockets can fill up quickly, so programs are encouraged to secure the necessary school approvals in the semester preceding their target Senate term to allow time for Senate review. SCHEV has three cycles in which it considers proposals to modify existing certificates each year:
Fall Cycle: Proposal due January 1
Spring Cycle: Proposal due May 1
Summer Cycle: Proposal due September 1
Programs should allow a minimum of 90 days for SCHEV review.
University Record and marketing updates may not be made until approvals are complete and IRA staff have circulated formal notice of approval.
Cheryl Carroll